Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Final Year Final Lap

It's the 2nd week of school reopen. Final year life is no joke... especially when i have 2 more modules to clear than others.

FYP. The major project in the entire undergrad course. The busiest and most stressful module which last for 2 semesters. I was allocated a project titled: Optimization of a beverage distribution network for Singapore. What was that!? I was so shocked and anxious when i first knew about my project. I've no idea how to start the project and where to get information for analysis. I was told to model the beverage distribution network in Supply Chain Designer software and compare the performance (cost, inventory level, etc.) of 2 different types of networks. It's under the area of Engineering management & logistics. I'm lucky that i've chosen to specialise in System Engineering, which is the field for management & logistics.

In addition to my uncertainty, my prof was a slacker! I went to my first FYP lab session yesterday and he was nowhere to be found. I even went to his office to look for him but he wasn't around. In the end, i've to ask the technician there for the password to log-in the computer to learn the software myself through the help topics. Not even a manual is given to me for self-learning! Terrible.... I really hope things will get better as i start to haunt my prof everyday regarding my project.

[Hurting is a form of Love too]

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