Monday, May 21, 2007

Some Thoughts...

How i wish i could tok to u like we used to...

How i wish i wouldn't pick on you...

How i wish i wouldn't have to quarrel with you...

How i wish i could hold you like we always do...

How i wish you wouldn't say," Go sleep ba... it's late."

How i wish you wouldn't find me annoying when i nag...

How i wish i wouldn't cry everytime i hang up the phone...

How i wish you could spare me more care and concern...

How i wish i'm your priority...

How i wish you would be there for me...

How i wish... How i wish...

How i wish all these could have an ending.


Display Name said...

hey there,

dont be sad.

im sure everything will work out someway or another. undiscovered laws of the universe have their own mysterious ways. =)

and... didn't know u so poetic one.. pro pro

zHiYinG said...

hmmm... you Atheist... God say God lah... undiscovered laws of the universe... haha :P